Fruit Flies and Fighting Back
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies - Summer gives us the opportunity to enjoy fruits in abundance and our family buy them by the dozen, our kids enjoy them, especially our daughter, Fruit Flies also appreciate the gesture, they will appear within a few weeks and will remain a problem for the rest of the summer.
I found and easy way to get rid of them and keep them in check, take a shallow dish about 9 inches in diameter or even bigger, pour about half of cup of Red Wine, covered the dish with clear Saran plastic wrap, make it tight and poke a few holes with a tip of steak knife a tad bigger than the size of their bodies and place the dish next to the source of the problem.
Alternatively, you could use used Tea Bags instead of Red Wine, make sure they are very moist.
The fermentation of the Red Wine or the moist Tea Bags is a magnet to them.